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The Importance of Backups!
So here we are at the end of another week, and yet another version of crypto-locker has hit one of our customers. Let's face it, no...
Shared Hosting Versus Dedicated Hosting
Every business needs a web hosting solution to fit its particular needs. A business website owner has to consider both the elements...
Nationwide Broadband in Australia
The development of nationwide broadband in Australia is set to put the country at number one in broadband in three years’ time and give a...
Fix Computer Problems through Remote Technical Support
Computer and Internet technology is a real blessing which has given direction and support to the modern world. It has so much...
Becoming A Computer Technician – Tips On How To Get Started
If you have a natural affinity for computers, and you enjoy working with machines, then one of the most rewarding and enjoyable jobs that...
How to remove Cryp1 virus, and to recover the data
This is an article about Cryp1 ransomware, it's manner of action, weak spots and methods to remove it. Also we have few advices to those,...
Mobile App Development: Android Vs. iOS Vs. Windows Phone
The increasing number of smartphone users has led to the development of a separate market entity by itself. This wide base of smartphone...
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